Markas Fiodorovas
Orthopaedist/trauma specialist
Orthopaedist/trauma specialist
Professional experience since 2004. The doctor performs more than 650 surgeries every year. Main fields of interest and professional activity: common knee joint disorders (meniscus, tendon, cartilage tears, and injuries); shoulder joint (instability, rotator cuff injuries); elbow joint disorders (loose bodies, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation); ankle disorders (cartilage, ligament injuries), and minimally invasive treatment methods (arthroscopy).
dr. Algimantas Cebatorius
Has worked at Klaipėdos University Hospital since 2007. He performs approximately 400 surgeries every year. Author and co-author of many scientific articles and papers. Co-author of a coursebook. Organizer and speaker at international and national scientific conferences.